Celovita storitev e-polnjenja

Remea s partnerji je celovit ponudnik storitev e-mobilnosti. Svetujemo in izvedemo izgradnjo polnilne infrastrukture ter upravljamo polnilnice vašega podjetja.

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Zakaj e-polnjenje?

E-polnjenje vas bo ločilo od ostalih!

Število električnih vozil v slovenskem, evropskem in globalnem voznem parku neprestano raste; skupaj vam pomagamo pritegniti voznike e-vozil na vašo lokacijo.

Profesionalna izvedba projekta

Projekt je izveden v celoti, vse na enem mestu.

Avtomatizacija polnjenja

Polnjenje poteka brez skrbi, brez dodatnega dela in neprestano.

Vključitev v mrežo polnilnic

Postanite del obstoječe mreže polnilnic, s promocijo in vidljivostjo na zemljevidih.

Brezplačen posvet

Rezervirajte si termin za brezplačen posvet!

Rezervirajte si 15-minutni posvet z našimi strokovnjaki, da skupaj preučimo specifične potrebe in najdemo rešitev za vas.

Novo v Sloveniji

Se sprašujete, kdaj bo pravi trenutek za nakup polnilnice?

Ne zamudite priložnosti za pridobitev finančne podpore za nakup polnilne infrastrukture. Javni poziv bo predvidoma objavljen jeseni 2024, pazi sredstva so omejena. Ne čakajte in si zagotovite subvencijo za nakup polnilne postaje.

Razpis subvencij


Izberite med strokovno izbrano ponudbo e-polnilnic.


Poskrbimo za celoten postopek namestitve, tako bo vzpostavitev nemotena in brezhibna.


Polnilne postaje konfiguriramo na zaledni sistem za enostavno upravljanje.

Programska oprema

Naša lastna programska oprema je del celovite rešitve.

Upravljanje in vzdrževanje

Poskrbimo, da polnilne postaje delujejo učinkovito, nemoteno in so vzdrževane.


Schedule Your Free Consultation!

Contact us to schedule a 15-minute consultation with our experts to discuss your specific needs and explore our solutions.

Help Centre

Everything you need to know about our service. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please reach out to us at info@remea.solutions.
How do I start?
Getting started is simple. Contact us to schedule a 30-minute consultation where we will discuss your specific needs and requirements. From there, we will guide you through the assessment and installation process to ensure a seamless setup of your EV charging stations.
What types of properties can benefit from your EV charging solutions?
Our solutions are designed to accommodate hotels of all sizes, from boutique hotels to large chains. We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each property, ensuring optimal performance and guest satisfaction.
What is the whole process like?
The process begins with the free 30-minute consultation where we discuss your specific needs and requirements. Following the consultation, we offer a detailed plan for the installation of EV charging stations and our recommended services to ensure you get the best fit.
How do you ensure the quality of your EV charging hardware?
We only work with a handful of original hardware manufacturers whose hardware combines superior performance with elegant design. Our chargers are reliable and aesthetically pleasing, ensuring they complement your property well.
How do I choose the right hardware setup?
We assist you in selecting the most suitable hardware setup by providing recommendations based on the information we gather during the consultation. While we offer expert guidance, the final choice will always be yours, ensuring it meets both your specific needs and preferences.
Can I choose how to pay for the EV charging hardware?
Yes, you have the flexibility to choose between paying upfront or opting for monthly installments. This provides financial flexibility, allowing you to manage your cash flow effectively.
Are your EV charging solutions scalable?
Absolutely, our solutions are designed to scale with your needs, whether you have just a couple of chargers or thousands. We will manage them for you.
What support do you offer for installation and maintenance?
We provide comprehensive support from the initial consultation to installation and ongoing maintenance. Our team ensures that your EV charging stations are always operational and any issues are promptly addressed.
What's the Go Green! Certification?
The Go Green! Certification is a prestigious recognition your property may be eligible for as you demonstrate commitment to sustainability. This certification will enhance your hotel's reputation further, making it even more attractive to eco-conscious guests.

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